It's been three long years after the Civil War has ended and Ethan Edwards an ex confederate soldier finally returns home to his brother Aaron's ranch. There he is happily greeted by Aaron's kids Lucy, Debbie and Ben. As well as Martha Aaron's wife who has had a secret crush on Ethan as well as Ethan has a crush on Martha. Even though they are in love with each other they can not act in love around everyone. Ethan brings many gifts for the kids from the war and things he picked up on the way to the ranch. He asks his brother Aaron if he can hid some money for him Aaron happily accepts it. Aaron tells Ethan he is welcome to stay as long as he would like.
The next morning a group of Texas ranger's arrive at Aaron's ranch. He comes to inform them that someone had run off the Jorgensens cattle and they were no where to be found. The Texas ranger wants Ethan to make an oath for the Texas rangers but he denies and says the confederate oath is just fine. Ethan joins the Texas ranger's in search of the cattle. While leaving Ethan has a thought what if this was just a set up by indians but he goes anyways. After a few hours of riding they find the cattle slaughtered and Ethan's worst nightmare comes to life knowing that it was a set up and his brothers ranch has been raided by comanche indians. When finally reaching his brothers ranch he find it destroyed and finds the bodies of Aaron, Martha and Ben slaughtered by indians. This engrages Ethan knowing that they have kidnapped Lucy and Debbie.
After the funeral Ethan and the Texas rangers take off to find Lucy and Debbie. After a run in with the indians one of the Texas rangers is shot. Mostly all of the Texas rangers return to town upset for Ethan, Brad and Marty. They split up to look for the indians and while looking for them Ethan stumbles upon Lucy's dead corpse. Brad really angered charges the comanche camp and is killed. It's just Ethan and Marty now and they won't stop until they find Debbie. They return to the Jorgensons ranch where Marty meets with Laurie his future wife. While at the Jergonsons ranch they get a letter from a from a friend who says he may have information about Debbie. They then ride off to meet with Futterman who has written the letter to Ethan. Futterman gives them information about the tribe Debbie is in and how she is married to a comanche warrior by the name of Scar. This enrages Ethan knowing that Debbie would do such a thing. They finally find someone who has been trading with scar he takes Ethan and Marty to the comanche camp where Debbie is. They finally see and talk to Debbie but she does not wont to go she tells them the comanche are her people now this makes ethan extremely mad and tries to shoot Debbie but Marty stops the bullet.
After many years of tracking Debbie Marty and Ethan return to the Jergunsons ranch where Marty finds Laurie about to get married. Marty fights Charlie and wins back Laurie. While at the Jergunsons ranch Texas ranger Clayton comes in and informs Marty and Ethan that Scar and Debbie are near by. They assemble a big group of Texas rangers and storm the comanche camp. Meanwhile before the raid Marty sneaks in the comanche camp and grabs Debbie. The comanche camp is raided and all comanche are killed including Scar. Debbie finally decides to go home and returns to the ranch. While everyone is back at the ranch safe Ethan slips away out the door without anyone noticing.
Works Cited
Sammons, Jacob . " Google Image Result for" Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 May 2012.
Google Image Result for" Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 May 2012. <
Google Image Result for" Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 May 2012.
Google Image Result for http://1.bp.blogspot.comhfhqh%20n6dua4/TsmB6b6t8GI/AAAAAAAAAnA/NCFNbRPRrZI/s1600/Searchers33r.jpg." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 May 2012. < =1&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=852&tbm=isch&tbnid=JkkaiDyiPvw_nM:&imgrefurl= wood.html&docid=lhtIEEhvqM0_qM&imgurl=http://1